Focus Outdoor Advisors

Tips for Bike Friendly Hotels

Ski area baseTraveling through Europe we’ve come across great networks of Bike Hotels and lodging tailored to meet the needs of cycling tourists.  Based on these amenities, here are some tips to develop great experiences for cyclists visiting your establishments. Below are some of the special facilities that we find offered by cutting edge bike hotels from around the world. You may not have each of these facilities but if you can help your cycling guests make easy connections in the community it will greatly enhance their experience and stay. Contact us, if you’d like to expand your destinations bike tourism potential.

Safe Storage

Not worrying about your bike when you are out to dinner means a relaxing vacation. Bikes should be safe in a special locked area with racks and hooks, reserved only for hotel guests. Benches and lockers are available where guests can change and leave bike shoes, helmet and clothing safely.


An area to work on bikes fully-equipped with tools and a bike stand for general mechanical repairs. This is often integrated with the bike storage area.

Bike Wash

Access to an outdoor hose with good drainage, a rack to stand up bikes while washing and cleaning supplies (bucket, bike wash de-greasing spray, brush, towel and sponge, chain lube) is important to keep bikes in top riding condition after each days ride. Some facilities have valet service that will wash and lube guests bikes for them.

Knowledgeable Staff

An expert on staff (or at least one that can point to the local experts) can be invaluable in helping guests with their plans and itinerary. Some bike hotels have integrated guides and rentals to provide advice and gear for their guests.

Bicycle Maps and Itineraries

Lodging facilities should stock the most current maps of the area and trails with technical descriptions and difficulty levels. Having wall -mounted maps in common areas plus maps at your front desk or information areas is important. Highlighting a few of the most popular circuits is a great way to offer your guests an introduction to the area.

Laundry for Sports/Technical Gear

Daily laundry service or a washer/dryer room for sports apparel is a common amenity that cyclists need.

Meals/Energy Foods

Easy access to a variety of energy foods, pre and post ride beverages and balanced, healthy meals suited to guests’ athletic needs. Options for guests to order a packed lunch that can fit in a daypack is a plus. Directions or a menu from local establishments is also desireable.

Medical Assistance and Physical Therapy

Have a directory or network of M.D. and/or physical therapists to take care of minor injuries or muscular problems that could compromise a cycling vacation.

Work-Out, Medical and Massage

And after a long day riding, help your guests to relax in a sauna, hot tub or on-call massage treatment. If your facility does not have a work out facility for rest or rain days, set up a special offer with affiliated gyms, spas and swimming pools.

Affiliated Specialty Bike/Outdoor Shops

In the event of unexpected mechanical problems or other needs, have a list of local bike shops, places to buy gear and expert mechanics who can help.